Dual-Flap Explosion Isolation Valve
Fike DFI is a compact, lightweight dual-flap explosion isolation valve which prevents an explosion from propagating upstream into connected equipment.

Activated by the pressure itself
DFI is considered a “passive” explosion isolation valve because it is activated by the pressure itself and not activated with electronics. Therefore, DFI is commonly paired with other passive devices such as Fike explosion vent panels to provide cost-effective, comprehensive explosion protection on the dusty air intake lines of various applications including dust collectors, cyclones, conveyance systems and more.
Fike DFI has sizes up to 40 inches (DN1000), making it ideal for even larger dust collectors or other industrial applications that horizontally convey organic dust.

Fike DFI is an “explosion isolation valve you can trust” because of its:

1. Flexible Installation
Engineered to perform reliably in both horizontal and vertical pipes and close to bends, depending on DFI size. May also be installed closer to a vessel than most other flap valves due to its compact, fast-closing flaps.

2. Wide Application Range
Withstands high explosion pressures up to 1.5 barg from most dust hazards, including from common organic dusts, light metal dusts and low MIE (minimum ignition energy) dusts.

3. Stainless Steel Option
Safe for use within food production and chemical plants to protect against rust, paint or other contaminants from entering the product. Available in sizes 4-32 inches (DN100-800).

4. Real-World Testing
Exceeds testing standard EN16447 by simulating conditions it will experience in the field to ensure it will reliably work when called upon. Fike testing proved this to not be true for all other flap valves currently on the market.
DFI Flexible Installation
“Because it is designed for installation in both vertical and horizontal orientations and protects against a wide range of combustible dust hazards, Fike DFI is suitable for most industrial applications when passive isolation explosion protection is achievable,” said Jim Vingerhoets, Fike Explosion Safety Consultant | Europe.