Hygienic Rupture Discs
Overpressure protection in the hygienic industries present unique challenges to maintain compliance and safety. With more than 75 years serving the food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries, Fike’s comprehensive selection of hygienic rupture discs ensure reliable pressure relief solutions while meeting stringent hygienic regulations.
Premier Reverse-Acting Hygienic Rupture Disc
Specifically designed to meet stringent hygienic requirements and be cleaned through CIP (clean-in-place) and SIP (steam-in-place) methods without removal. This 3-A compliant rupture disc includes:
- 95 percent operating ratios.
- Superior cycling capabilities from zero to full pressure or full vacuum.
- Fast lead times, a result of Fike's global manufacturing capabilities.
- Optional electro-polished surface finish and passivation.

RD540 SC
High-Performance, Ultra-Low-Pressure Reverse Acting Hygienic Rupture Disc
Designed for overpressure protection of glass-lined vessels and reactors, and other delicate equipment used in critical applications where either vapors or liquids are present. RD540 SC supports very low burst pressures often found in these fragile applications.
- No cleanup or unexpected downtime.
- No chance of premature fracture.
- No fear of product contamination.

SHX Rupture Disc
Forward-Acting High Pressure Hygienic Rupture Disc
The concave surface of the SHX rupture disc remains in contact with the process media and is designed to burst along the cross score pattern when subjected to a predetermined pressure. In addition, the hub ring prevents the disc petals from fragmenting at the maximum burst pressure and provides a rigid support to prevent the disc from slipping.
- No special rupture disc holders necessary (mounts between companion flanges).

AD-H Rupture Disc
Reverse-Acting Hygienic Rupture Disc
Designed for overpressure protection and/or vacuum protection of atmospheric vessels; 3-A compliant and intended for one-time installation to support CIP processes.
- High burst pressures available, 250-1500 psig (17.24-103.42 barg).
- Cross-scored rupture disc.
- Supports full vacuum resistance.

What Is A “Hygienic” Rupture Disc?
Hygienic rupture discs must maintain similar hygienic qualities found throughout a production facility in the biotech, food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Non-hygienic rupture discs and holders may collect unwanted media or bacteria, resulting in ruined batches, production downtime and irreparable harm to customer confidence.
1. CIP (Clean-in-Place)/SIP (Steam-in-Place) Compatible
The rupture disc remains during cleaning and is engineered to withstand high burst pressures and temperatures produced by CIP/SIP equipment.
2. Option For Electro-Polishing
A method of using a mild acid and low voltage of electricity to create an ultra-smooth finish, which greatly reduces areas for media or bacteria to collect.
3. Option For Passivation
A method that removes any microscopic traces of carbon (which may cause rust or corrosion) during the rupture disc’s production.
4. Non-Contaminated Packaging
Quality control hygienic packaging ensures contaminants do not transfer onto rupture discs.
5. Disc Materials
Material used is often stainless steel or hastelloy to match the material of the rest of the facility.


Beverage Processing


Food Processing